Monday, July 2, 2012

Syllabus of RAILTEL DM(TECH)

RAILTEL is one unit of the ministry of railways. railtel conducted the recruitement of the DM(technnical) in various engineering discipline. The paper pattern for the 2012 has been announced by the organization. the syllabus of the written examination is given below......

Syllabus for Entrance Examination of Recruitment of deputy Manager/Technical in RailTel

Part I (10 Marks):
a. Solid States Physics & Electronic Devices:-
Electrons theory of metal, Fermi levels, Semiconductors, Band gab theory, Drift & Diffusion Currents, Majority and Minority carriers, Diode theory, types of Diodes, Transistors (BJT, FET, MOSFET, and CMOS)
b. Network Theory and Analysis:-
R. C and l as circuit element, Kirchoff's current and voltage laws, node and loop analysis, Network analysis techniques, Thevnin, Norton and Maximum power transfer theorems, transient response and steady state response of series and parallel R-l, R-C and R-l-C circuits, Concepts of reactance and impedence and phase angle and power factor, series and resonance and Q-factor, Network graph theory and its applications in network analysis, Two port networks; Z, Y, H and transmission parameters, star and delta networks.

Part II (20 Marks):
a. Analog Circuits:-
Circuit models and parameters for Diodes and Transistors and their applications, rectifier circuit and types, DC power supplies, thermal runaway effect, Zener diode, voltage regulation, SCR, voltage regulators and multipliers, switching behavior of diodes and transistors, amplifiers, Small and large signal amplifiers, transistor biasing and thermal stabilization circuits, frequency response and improvement, multistage amplifiers and feed-back and power amplifiers, D.C. amplifiers, coupling methods, push pull amplifiers, operational amplifiers and its applications, sinusoidal oscillators.

b. Digital Electronic Circuits and Microprocessors:-
Number systems and -Codes, logic gates and their characteristics, universai logic gates, Boolean algebra, Simplification of Boolean functions, SOP and POS forms, Karnaugh Map (Kmap) and applications, implementation of Boolean functions by gates, Diode and Transistor as a switching element, IC logic families: DTl, TIl, ECl, NMOS, PMOS and CMOS gates and their comparison, Combinational logic Circuits: Half Adder, Full adder, Sub tractors, Digital comparators, Multiplexer - Demultiplexer, Encoder and Decoders, ROM and their applications. - Flip flops. R-S, J.K, D and T flip-flops, Sequential circuits, Different types of Synchronous and Asynchronous counters and registers, waveform generators, ND and D/A converters and Semiconductor memories, Microprocessor architecture (8085), Instruction set and simple -assembl¥-la!lgua~emory and IlO- interfadng..--,-- ..,,----.------- --

c. Communication Systems:-
Amplitude, Frequency and Phase Modulation, Modulation index and power relations in AM, Modulation and detection of AM and FM wave, Sampling and Data Reconstructions, Quantization & Coding, Digital Modulation Techniques: ASK, FSK, PSK and M-ary PSK, Time Division and Frequency Division Multiplexing,_ Equalization, Propagation of signals at HF, VHF,UHF and Microwave Frequency, Satellite Communication, Optical Fiber Communication system, Optical sources: lED and lasers, Optical Receivers: APD and PIN photodiode.
/ /
Part III (10 Marks):
a. Control Systems:-
Control Systems: Types and Transfer functions, Signal Flow Graphs, Transient and steady state response of control systems, Feedback control systems, steady state error, Time response of 2nd order system, Stability, Routh's stability criterion, Effect of feedback on stability and sensitivity, Root locus techniques, Frequency response analysis, Nyquist and Bode plots, Concepts of gain and phase margins, Compensation: Lead, Lag and Lag-Lead Compensators, Controllers: Proportional, Derivative and Integral Control.
b. Electromagnetic Theory:-
~Iectric flux, potential, Gauss law, Ampere law, Analysis of electrostatic and magneto-static fields, Laplace's and Poissons's equations, Boundary value/conditions problems and their solutions, Maxwell's equations, application to electro magnetic wave propagation in bounded and un-bounded media, Transmission lines: types, basic theory, characteristic impedance, propagation constant and phase velocity, reflection and standing waves, standing wave ratio, impedance matching, half and quarter wave lines, loss less lines.

Part IV (20 Marks):
a. Concepts of Electrical Technology:
Principles of DC machines, types of generators, losses and efficiency, principles of single phase transformer, no-load current, principle of single phase inductions motor, principles of DC motor, over voltage protection, surge and lightning protection.
b. Concepts of Light and optical fibers:
Interference and Diffraction & Dispersion, principle of LASERS, Photodiodes, principles of fiber communication, step & graded index fiber, single mode and multi-mode optic propagation
c. Computer Fundamentals:
Hardware concepts, Input/Output devices, Multi media devices, Monitors, Memory, RAM and ROM, Operating systems concepts, Multi tasking, Virtual Memory, Instruction sets, File management, Low level and High level languages, GUI, Interrupts, DMA, I/O Processors, Office Automation packages.
d. Computer Networks:
Data communications concepts; Network Topologies, Concepts of LAN, Ethernet Protocol, Concepts of WAN, Larger Architecture-OSI and TCP/IP concepts, IP protocols, Internet Basics - working of www. -------------------------------,~~~&T~----------------~


  1. thank you very much..
    you helped me a lot

  2. Is this correct syllabus??

    1. ya this is correct syllabus given by the railtel. you can directly check on the link and download it from railtel website.

  3. want to know the Exam date Of RailTel

  4. dear friend, exam date of railtel is not announced yet.. when ever exam date is announced as soon as possible i will mention here... please keep in touch...

  5. is the syllabus mentioned for DM(Tech) applicable for all streams of engineering??I am B.Tech(Computer Science).


    1. please check your email-id.Syllabus has been send to you. in case of not received the mail please resend the request

  7. can i get last year question papers for the same. so that i can get some idea about the pattern of the paper

    1. sorry we can can't provide the exact previous paper because railtel does not give permission to take the paper with youeself.
      we can only provide an idea of the paper with experts which are already given the examination. if any one have more idea about this PLEASE PASTE HERE. or mail try to publish as soon as possible.

  8. Thanks for this post.Very important and timely article. Information provided is concise and informative. Keep up the great work!
    data communication concepts

  9. Hello Asad,

    Please send me previous paper for RaiTel Exam for DM.
    my mai id ;-
