Sunday, August 26, 2012

Railtel Paper -2012/ Railtel Dm(Tech) paper 2012 Review/ Railtel paper 2012 cut off

  Railtel conducted the written test for the post of DM(Tech) and other Dm(HR), DM(Marketing) on 26 Aug 2102 at four centres Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and  Hyderabad. The short review of the paper is given below. For the next round around 300 candidates will be call for the interview process for the post of the DM (Tech). The result of the test will be announced in the last of week of September to month of October. 
                                          Result has been declared check here

The review of the paper is given below. The duration of the written test was 2 hours consisting 100 questions. The question paper has no negative marking.

 Technical questions
    Non technical questions

General knowledge
Quantitative aptitude
Logical reasoning
No of questions

Question sequence no


100 questions
 2 hours

Section I- Technical

This section total consist 60 questions. Each having weight age of the 1 mark and has no negative marks. The question having the 80-90 % from the electronics background and rest of the electrical engineering. The questions are very short and one word answer and any one can solve the question if having the basic knowledge of the electronics and electrical.

Some questions are there for the reference.
è Questions related to the semiconductor and their properties
è 4-5 questions from the network analysis.
è 7-8 questions from communication engineering
è Digital electronics question are also have the weight age of 5-6 questions
è EMFT questions in the paper were 4-5.
è Control system having the four questions
è  Signal system question  almost invisible in the paper
è 2 questions from the microprocessor.
è Some questions from the fibre optics
è Around 10 questions from the electrical engineering related electrical machines.
Some questions here.
1.     What is the damping ratio of char. Equation S^2+2s+8.
2.     Which transfer function of phase lead in the given below.
3.     Questions from the Maxwell’s equation
4.     If a induction motor runs above the synchronous speed will act as.
5.     In The TV broadcasting the modulation used for the audio and video signal.
6.      Numerical aperture of the optical fibre having the core and cladding refractive indexes 1.40 and 1.44

Section II- Non technical questions
A)   General Knowledge-
    This section consists of the total 10 questions. Some questions are
1.     In which month the mother’s day celebrates.
2.     In which country Olympic 2016 is scheduled.
3.     In which country head office of the FAO is.
And some other questions like above.
B)    Quantitative aptitude-
Total ten numbers of the questions from the various sections as time distance, profit-loss, work-time, probability and some others.
C)    Logical reasoning-  
The questions from the alphabets related and fill in the blank . choosing the wrong word in the given sequence., and some others questions.
D)   English
This section consists 3 questions from the paragraph given. 2 from the idioms and two from synonyms and three questions are fill in the blank.

Cut off of Railtel DM(Tech)-

   The cut off the paper will go high because the paper have no negative marking. So the forecast about the cut off should be wrong.


 In the upper description is given by us the remembering of the paper and try to give best as possible.
   According to me the paper for the candidates other than electrical and electronics background is very difficult such as computer science students. The questions are not much difficult except some questions.
The cut of the question paper may be high due to electronics background students. The candidate having good technical and good general knowledge section more probable for the selection because the others sections are go same for all candidates.
 I am writing this help to the candidates they will be appear in the next exam of the railtel.
Please write here in the comment line if you have any query or if you want any modification in this post we always welcomes your comment and suggestion to make it better. 
                                  click here for all 100 questions posted by SAGAR mishra

Review by Manish Kumar

   Raitel Dy. Manager Paper 2012
A. G.K. (10Q)

1.where is the Headquarter of Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
A.ROME b.washington c.Newyork d. Barlin

2.where budhha got enlightment-
a.kushinagar b.Lumbni c.Sarnath D.GAYA

3.MOTHERS day celebrarated in...
A.MAY b. June c. july d. August

4.light year is the unit of
a.Time B.DISTANCE c. Light d. Velocity

5.Next olympics Game 2016 will be held in
A.RIO DE JENERIO b. London c. Brazil d.Sydni

6. which is responsible for Blood coagulation
a.vitamin -B b. Vitamin- D c. Vitamin- E D. VITAMIN K

7.CANNE Prize is given in the field of
A.FILM b. Litratue c. Science D.Cricket

8. Which of the following sites of the indus vally civilisation had an ancient dockyard.
A. LOTHAL b.sindhu c. Harrapa d.Mohanjodro


Correct choice is written in Capital letters.


thanks to Mr.manish for providing questions of the GS. keep in touch and provide as more as can do. thanks again

Review By Chaitanya:

                  thanks to Mr. chatanya for providing the questions of the technical sections.

which factors do not depend on resistance ?
1.quality factor 2.resonant frequency 3. bandwidth 4. none of the above ....guess the answer for this is 4 

which has the greatest noise levels ... answer is CMOS 

a question was asked on DMA

the attenuation constant of a lossless line..... answer is zero

a question on reflection coefficient ...answer is the ratio of Emax to Emin 

find out modulation factor ....which is the ratio of Ac to Am 

frequency modulation ...... f + or - (delta f )

a question on current through w zener diode...

an expression was given to be minimized in Digital design......answer was AB

ANOTHER question on 8 bit A to D converters ...answer was 2(power n) - 1 I.e. 255 

please post other questions ...


Questions by prateek:-
9 . How many players in woman basketball team
Answer , 5 

10. where is SAARC university located.
Answer : New Delhi

Appti Qus were

1 . 10^26 - 1 is not divisible by 
Ans : 90

2. 20 candidate appeared for 16 posts .no. of ways of selection

Ans 20 C 16

3. A shopkeeper buys 9kg of mango in certain price and sells 8 Kg on same price . Tell the profit percent 

And : 12.5 %

4 . Train is coming in every 15 min with speed of 16km/hrs , if a man is walking at opposite direction and sees the train in every 12 mins . thn speed of man

Ans : 4Km/hr

5. A man sells two chairs 500 each . one at 20% profit ,other is on 12% loss . Find the total profit/loss percent

Ans : 1.5 %

6: the average of four consecutive even no. is 9 , find the product of first and last digits .

Ans : 72

7: A work can be done in 150 days . if 2 man left the job on second day and 2 on third day and so on. find out how many days the work got delayed .

Ans: Did not attempt :)

BY: Prateek
                             click here for all 100 questions posted by SAGAR mishra


  1. Replies
    1. most welcome. and thanks for writing.

    2. send maximum questions

    3. hello sir can you tell me the cut off of the obc candidates. actually i want to see but i dnt because i dnt find the right site for this so plz kindly reply me

  2. send maximum questions

  3. Hello there,

    There was a common syllabus for CS/IT?EC/EE students , then how could be the paper can different , secondly i would like to ask cutoff marks if u have any idea. I belongs to SC CAT.


    1. yes,
      friend you are right the syllabus is same. but according to the syllabus some part of the computer science also to be asked but the questions of the computer science is negligible. in the syllabus fourth section is mention for the computer science student. the cut off of SC category will be around 45-50.

    2. Thanks for your valuable time ....

      Really Appreciated.


  4. FAO-rome
    siddhrtha enlightment-GAYA
    INDUS civilisation-mohanjadaro
    MOTHERS day month-MAY
    lightning year-DISTANCE
    SAARC university-New Delhi
    2016 olympics-RIO DE Jenario

    Please update the remiang questions if ny1 can remmbr

    and cutoff wud b around 70+ as no negative and elctronics aspirants are very high

    1. thanks sathi for giving very useful information. i am going to update in the blog. you want to tell something else to the future candidates you can mail us at

  5. can u please tell me when will the results be out?and what will be the cutoff for general students??and also approx how many students will be called for the interview??

    1. the result will be announced in 35-50 days after the examination.... and mostly companies call for the interview as 1:3 ratio.

    2. thankyou for ur info....

  6. a question was asked on fermi level, critical angle and a question in aptitude had wrong answer options.

  7. no of interrupts in 8085, if Ic is 50 times of Ib then beta=?,input resistance of CE,CB,MOSFET AND JFET in increasing order,

    1. thanks chatanya, for your giving the good knowledge. and providing most useful questions. i will update your information with your name if anything other want to share please tell us at

  8. cutoff for general may be around 65+

  9. any idea how many applied...only 9 appeared out 24 in my class

    1. There were 36 out of 48 in my class

    2. yes approx only 70% candidates will attend the examination.

    3. but sources say very poor attendance was registered around 50-60% attended the exam

    4. so what is the expected number of students appeared in exam?????10000 or more????????

  10. can any one posts all questions with answers???

  11. Raitel Dy. Manager Paper 2012
    A. G.K. (10Q)

    1.where is the Headquarter of Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
    A.ROME b.washington c.Newyork d. Barlin
    2.where budhha got enlightment-
    a.kushinagar b.Lumbni c.Sarnath D.GAYA
    3.MOTHERS day celebrarated in...
    A.MAY b. June c. july d. August
    4.light year is the unit of
    a.Time B.DISTANCE c. Light d. Velocity
    5.Next olympics Game 2016 will be held in
    A.RIO DE JENERIO b. London c. Brazil d.Sydni
    6. which is responsible for Blood coagulation
    a.vitamin -B b. Vitamin- D c. Vitamin- E D. VITAMIN K
    7.CANNE Prize is given in the field of
    A.FILM b. Litratue c. Science D.Cricket
    8. Which of the following sites of the indus vally civilisation had an ancient dockyard.
    A. LOTHAL b.sindhu c. Harrapa d.Mohanjodro

    Correct choices are written in Capital lettes.


    1. Other 2 Questions of GS were

      9 . How many players in woman basketball team
      Answer , 5

      10. where is SAARC university located.
      Answer : New Delhi

      Can anybody tell , what will be the expected cutoff of DM-Marketing as MBA questions were not that easy .

      BY: Prateek

  12. Raitel Dy. Manager Paper 2012
    A. G.K. (10Q)

    1.where is the Headquarter of Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
    A.ROME b.washington c.Newyork d. Barlin

    2.where budhha got enlightment-
    a.kushinagar b.Lumbni c.Sarnath D.GAYA

    3.MOTHERS day celebrarated in...
    A.MAY b. June c. july d. August

    4.light year is the unit of
    a.Time B.DISTANCE c. Light d. Velocity

    5.Next olympics Game 2016 will be held in
    A.RIO DE JENERIO b. London c. Brazil d.Sydni

    6. which is responsible for Blood coagulation
    a.vitamin -B b. Vitamin- D c. Vitamin- E D. VITAMIN K

    7.CANNE Prize is given in the field of
    A.FILM b. Litratue c. Science D.Cricket

    8. Which of the following sites of the indus vally civilisation had an ancient dockyard.
    A. LOTHAL b.sindhu c. Harrapa d.Mohanjodro


    Correct choice is written in Capital letters.


  13. please post questions from electronics

  14. I think all the sections of exam were not difficult hence cut off for general candidtaes will be 82-88 because no negative marking.

  15. common himanshu are u serious ..!! 82 - 88 ....u.are kidding man will be above 70 ....that's all.

    1. hey man cut off will go above 80

    2. cut off over the 80 is impossible. but it may lie around 70.

  16. Although question was very easy in both the sections technical as well nontechnical but cut-off may be lies around 65 to 70 marks for gen. category.

  17. @ manish,what wud be the cutt of for obc?????

  18. hey please can u post some of the technical questions that were askd with de key

  19. which factors do not depend on resistance ?
    1.quality factor 2.resonant frequency 3. bandwidth 4. none of the above ....guess the answer for this is 4

    which has the greatest noise levels ... answer is CMOS

    a question was asked on DMA

    the attenuation constant of a lossless line..... answer is zero

    a question on reflection coefficient ...answer is the ratio of Emax to Emin

    find out modulation factor ....which is the ratio of Ac to Am

    frequency modulation ...... f + or - (delta f )

    a question on current through w zener diode...

    an expression was given to be minimized in Digital design......answer was AB

    ANOTHER question on 8 bit A to D converters ...answer was 2(power n) - 1 I.e. 255

    please post other questions ...


  20. maximum power efficiency- 50%
    total impedance of ckt- 7+j0
    lead compensator T.F- s+1/s+2
    fermi level 0K
    schottky diode- rectifier
    value of k- 0.35
    physical link addredd bus
    number of hardware interrupts= 5
    dma- b/w i/o and memmory without the use of microprocessor
    critical angle= 60
    drift velocity- qET/m
    video and audio- AM and FM
    maxwell equation- both curl and divergence
    computer architecture
    compt language- binary
    T flip flop- 20US
    emft ques- reflected from the walls
    driving point admittance- -y3
    antenna diameter- 1.289
    not characterstic of CMOS- low i/p inpedance
    input impedence in increasing order- 1234
    delB/delT- faraday's equation
    CMRR- 10^7
    frequency deviation-
    cro angle- 90
    propagation delay- 1ghz
    phase constant- 2pie/lambda
    half load power- 500,1250
    decimal shifted to left- multiply by 2
    saturation current- isat
    modulation index- 0.34
    generator efficiency- 60.2
    frequency components- +- n something(option d)

  21. OBC cut-off may be 60+ (less than 5 marks of gen. cut-off)

  22. Appti Qus were

    1 . 10^26 - 1 is not divisible by
    Ans : 90

    2. 20 candidate appeared for 16 posts .no. of ways of selection

    Ans 20 C 16

    3. A shopkeeper buys 9kg of mango in certain price and sells 8 Kg on same price . Tell the profit percent

    And : 12.5 %

    4 . Train is coming in every 15 min with speed of 16km/hrs , if a man is walking at opposite direction and sees the train in every 12 mins . thn speed of man

    Ans : 4Km/hr

    5. A man sells two chairs 500 each . one at 20% profit ,other is on 12% loss . Find the total profit/loss percent

    Ans : 1.5 %

    6: the average of four consecutive even no. is 9 , find the product of first and last digits .

    Ans : 72

    7: A work can be done in 150 days . if 2 man left the job on second day and 2 on third day and so on. find out how many days the work got delayed .

    Ans: Did not attempt :)

    Please Post if you remember some other questions . And any idea of CUT off for DM-Marketing

    1. ...thanks prateek for sharing the most important information. please join this blog by clicking in the right site of the blog.
      else contact me at my email id.

    2. the answer for the 7th question is 25 .. i verified from the options and the answer for the 2nd question is 19c15 as a condition was given that one particular candidate must be selected..
      thank you

    3. the answer for the 5th question is 4% profit and all the answer options given were +1 bonus for all .. :)

    4. other questions were

      8 )A man leaves his house 15 min early and reaches to bus stand at 8:40 if it takes 10 min to reach bus stop. what is his usual time of leaving home

      Ans: 8:45

      9)A cone is fitted into sphere .ratio of its height and radius of the circle .

      Ans: 4/3

      And i don't think that 5th question will be bonus , as answer is approx 1.55 % profit (used calculator after coming home)

    5. cost price of two chairs = 2*500=1000;
      selling price of first chair is 500+(20/100)*500=600;
      selling price of second chair is 500-(12/100)*500=440;
      therefore, total selling price =600+440=1040;
      now s.p.>c.p i.e. we get gain;
      now gain%=((s.p-c.p)/(c.p))*100=((1040-1000)/100)*100
      how did u get 1.55% ???????


    6. Dear Chaitanya

      Question was selling prise : 500 each (not cost price)

      Cost of first chair would be x+(x*20)/100=500 so x=417 approx
      Cost of the second chair = y-(y*12)/100=500 so Y =568 approx

      Total cost : 985 approx
      selling price : 1000

      Net profit : 1.54 %

    7. yes that is some 5/3%,cost of first chair is 416,and 2nd chair is 567 if they are sold at respective profit given and loss then each chair selling price will be 500 each.hence it would come around 1.56 not (1.5 or 4% as discussed by many

  23. My IDEA about cutoff:

    My past experience says that overall cut-off for general candidate rarely goes above 50-60 % in any exam irrespective of the difficulty level and negative marks and all.

    Cutoff only varies 5-10 % from all these factors . This is My point of view . Now lets see


    Hopeful aspirant .

  24. cuttoff for cse/it students same as that of ece/electrical students ??

    1. yes when the paper is same then cutoff also will be combined.

  25. synonyms
    2.perspicacious: significant

    1. Hi ,

      Do you remember answer of English paragraph :

      Qus .Author compares books with

      A) Tree B)Flowers
      C)Maiden D)appreciator

  26. idioms:to fly off the handle: to loose temper,the other idiom i dont remembr plz help to recollect it.

  27. other one is "to bell the cat"....

  28. if the motor runs above synchronous speed it acts as??????

  29. wat can be the cut off fr obc?

    1. 45-48 marks cutoff for OBC

    2. ty fr de reply so less ???competition is to tough nw a days

    3. no , for general candidate cutoff would be 60-65 (maximum) and for OBC it would be around 55-60(maximum)

  30. if the motor runs above synchronous speed it acts as??????

  31. Expected date of Results ??????

    It is supposed to be declared within this month .....

  32. i guess its synchronous motor


  34. i will publish all 100 question......keep watch .......tonight.....

    1. can u post the questions here...plzz

  35. if you want to publish as post you can send your mail id i will give you permission as author to post as new post at

  36. ok......check your mail....

  37. please post the questions here....

  38. please can u post all the 100questons here

  39. i guess its just a bluff that all ques will be posted....

    1. u ryt ....there nly 32 questions below

    2. please check the link given for all 100 questions

  40. maximum power efficiency- 50%
    total impedance of ckt- 7+j0
    lead compensator T.F- s+1/s+2
    fermi level 0K
    schottky diode- rectifier
    value of k- 0.35
    physical link addredd bus
    number of hardware interrupts= 5
    dma- b/w i/o and memmory without the use of microprocessor
    critical angle= 60
    drift velocity- qET/m
    video and audio- AM and FM
    maxwell equation- both curl and divergence
    computer architecture
    compt language- binary
    T flip flop- 20US
    emft ques- reflected from the walls
    driving point admittance- -y3
    antenna diameter- 1.289
    not characterstic of CMOS- low i/p inpedance
    input impedence in increasing order- 1234
    delB/delT- faraday's equation
    CMRR- 10^7
    frequency deviation-
    cro angle- 90
    propagation delay- 1ghz
    phase constant- 2pie/lambda
    half load power- 500,1250
    decimal shifted to left- multiply by 2
    saturation current- isat
    modulation index- 0.34
    generator efficiency- 60.2
    frequency components- +- n something(option d)
    quatisation- PCM

  41. sckotty diode its low pass filter

  42. I am SC and I made 55+ , what will be expect result

    1. Ur pakka selected ,if u really score 55 as SC.

    2. aur bhai 55+ tumahara hua kya??

  43. for all 100 questions please follow the link

  44. when result will come

  45. yeah cut off will be 60-65 for general...but I guess there will not be any thing such as cutoff ...top100x 3.5 or 100x 4 say 350-400 will be selected for interview....and maybe interview would carry some marks...and who gets the higher total would be finally selected ..

  46. Result has been declared on official site , unable to trace out cut-off marks any body has an idea........

  47. selected...................

    1. how much marks u expcted and wat is ur catagory

  48. SC.........i expected approx 60

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. i got 70 around OBC vategory nt selctd,

    1. r u fucking kidding me..??? till now in my carrier of giving exams i hv never seen cut-off as u r saying... man if u wud hv got 70 numbers..for sure u wud b selected.. even i am frm obc n expecting around 65 n got selected...

  51. Dear Reader,

    this place is share your knowledge and information for the candidates. please don't write any things here which is not related to the blog. like quarreling about the caste category......

  52. any idea about the weight age of written and interview....and also the date of interview,,,,,

  53. Xpected 72
    nt yet selected
    gen category
    i doubt abt d result

  54. i was also xpecting above 72 (gen) not selected........can any1 tell me xact cutoof for gen???????

    1. i scored 73 in obc and i selected

  55. Same here guyz...
    Xpctd 70+ atleast (gen)
    nt selctd dy Tech

  56. cutoff kaise pata chalega ????????

  57. yaar ye interview date kab tak aayega.....any idea....

    1. no ideas abt interview dates... well leave the cut off now.. tell me anybody how to prepare for int. for dm. tehc. ..!! any important interview question for ECE (speacially DE, EDC,DIGITAL COMM.) subjects..share if u care..:) thnx anyways n ol d luck for interview..!!!!!!!
